SNV intensifies the dissemination of contents about energy access alternatives in off-grid areas

SNV - Netherlands Development Organization, through the BRILHO programme and funded by UK aid from the UK government and Sweden, started the dissemination of educational content on renewable energy alternatives and clean energy for off-grid regions. This is a targeted communication campaign to disseminate content on solar home systems; clean cooking solutions and improved cookstoves; economic opportunities for income generation through productive energy use and gender balance in energy access as well as business creation. Implementation started in September 2022 and will extend to the middle of next year.

To this end the demand activation component of the BRILHO programme which aims to raise consumer awareness of the quality and guarantee of clean energy products available in the market, while gaining awareness of the affordability of these products through cost savings, income generation and financing options. The campaign kicked off in September 2022 through the 3rd season of the radionovela Janete and the 4th season of the Escola do Agricultor programme.

In this edition, the two programmes bring themes related to ideas for business expansion through the use of renewable energy, improved cooking solutions, financial education, savings, benefits of using solar energy among others, with a language adapted to the off-grid target audience taking into account literacy levels, cultural and linguistic differences and market conditions in Mozambique.

With an off-grid population of approximately 4 million households, Mozambique has the seventh largest off-grid population in sub-Saharan Africa, characterised by only about 40 per cent of the population currently having access to electricity and over 95 per cent of the population using traditional biomass for their cooking energy needs and unaware of clean energy technologies and their benefits.

The content will be disseminated in various media (radio, television, and social media) through radio and TV spots, radio soap operas in Portuguese, Changana and Sena, having already started the first phase of dissemination on Radio Mozambique, national antenna, every Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30.

It is expected that with this initiative to reach at least 1 million Mozambicans and increase the demand in the acquisition of energy services in off-grid areas until 2024.

Stay tuned to SNV's social media and the BRILHO programme.