Government of Mozambique approves regulatory framework for off grid access to energy
In the context of the 1st Conference "OFF-GRID ENERGY REGULATORY FRAMEWORK, A REGIONAL PERSPECTIVE" the Government of Mozambique, as part of the efforts to ensure Universal Access to Energy by 2030, announced that it has developed and approved with the competent bodies within the Ministry of Mineral and Energy Resources the package of technical regulations complementing Decree 93/2021 Regulation on access to off grid Energy.
With the approval of this package of regulations, and the implementation of subsequent formalization and publication steps, the path to accelerated access to energy for all is becoming a reality.
The list of regulations and instruments is inclusive of: Regulation on concessions for mini-grids and registration for energy services; Regulation on technical and safety standards; Regulation on interconnection; Regulation on the standards of quality of service and commercial relations, Regulation on mini-grid tariffs; among other instruments.
This regulatory framework marks a new era for the energy sector and especially for mini-grid developers and operators to be able to work in Mozambique; therefore the country joins the other neighbouring countries with mechanisms to catalyze the off-grid energy sector and ensure the necessary conditions for the private sector to accelerate its investments and scale its operations in a diverse set of technologies applicable to the off-grid context, such as solar home systems, mini-grids and improved cooking solutions.
The Energy Regulatory Authority (ARENE), in collaboration with the National Energy Fund (FUNAE), the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy (MIREME), the BRILHO Programme (funded by the Governments of the United Kingdom and Sweden, and implemented by the SNV Netherlands Development Organisation), and specific contributions from other entities, developed this package of regulations that represents a strategic leap to provide quality energy solutions to the entire population, including those in off grid areas.

This important advance, announced in the context of the 1st Regional Conference on the Regulatory Framework for the off-grid energy sector, comes at a time when the Government of Mozambique is preparing to initiate the implementation of the new framework.
"This regulatory framework for off-grid energy is solid, resulting from intense work that was led by the Government of Mozambique and with continued support from SNV-BRILHO. We are committed to the development of the off-grid energy sector, where the private sector plays a central role. The private sector is recognized as a partner of the Government on this path for the country to achieve universal access targets by 2030" - António Saíde – Vice - Minister of Energy and National Resources
"Investment in the off-grid sector is critical for human development and social growth, as it is part of the measures to reduce and mitigate the impacts of climate change." - Dominic Ashton – Development Director of the United Kingdom High Commission
"The regulatory framework will allow leveraging of private investments; which is key to achieve the targets set by the national electrification strategy." - Mette Sunnergren – Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden.
"The work developed in the context of the partnership of the Government of Mozambique with SNV - BRILHO is of immense quality, which leads SNV to have as a plan its replication in other geographies." - Simon Oconnell – CEO da SNV
"This represents a major achievement for the off-grid sector in Mozambique. It will contribute to accelerating and increasing access to energy through solar home systems and green mini-grids for electrification, and clean cooking solutions, benefiting households and businesses with a greener, more inclusive and sustainable economy. The required regulatory conditions are now provided for the businesses to initiate and scale up their operations in Mozambique’s off-grid energy market; the BRILHO Programme is ready and available to provide the financial and technical support for their implementation". - Javier Ayala, Team Leader of the BRILHO Programme and Energy Sector Leader for SNV Mozambique